
“Music is the universal language of man kind”

I will be posting catchy South American tunes on this section, as well as the story as how I came across the song.

No Quiere Enamorarse – Ozuna (07/20/2016): During our last week of training, we had a talent show for our host families to share the Peruvian culture we had learned during our first 3 months of training and to express our culture from the United States. One of my friends, Davis, rapped this song for our host families. The video of his performance can be found here.Click image to open the song.Enjoy!

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Una Cerveza – Ráfaga (7/02/2016): I have heard this song constantly since arriving in Peru. I’ve heard it on the combi, at birthday parts, at a discoteca, on the tv, etc. The issue about trying to figure out song titles here is that I cannot understand all the words yet, so I cannot Google the lyrics, but I’m very happy to say that the mystery is solved. The video has over 66 million views on YouTube, so yes, it is quite popular. Click image to open song.

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Matarina – Pepe Alva (4/18/2016): During the weeks leading up to our departure date, the Peace Corps Training Staff would assign us various training tasks (Duolingo, video assignments, etc.). One week our assignment was to listen to a Peruvian playlist and vote on our favorite song. This was an overwhelming favorite within our group.